Blaster Master Wiki
This area is what remains of a dome city that was once the home of the humans who migrated en masse underground during the ice age. The invading mutants spit an extremely corrosive acid to attack their targets, and thus damaged many of the structures in the city. Despite the fact that non-mutant lifeforms haven't lived there in ages, SOPHIA III is picking up a strange signal coming from deep within the city.
— Residential Area • Blaster Master Zero Website

Area 2, also known as the Residential Area, is the second stage of Blaster Master, Blaster Master: Enemy Below, and Blaster Master Zero. In Blaster Master and Enemy Below, it resembles an old castle. In Blaster Master Zero, it has the appearance of an abandoned futuristic metropolis with several collapsed and exposed buildings; Eve is found here after defeating the boss. In addition to being connected to Area 1, it is also connected to Area 3 in all appearances, requiring the Crusher Shot in Blaster Master and Blaster Master Zero or the Engine Boost in Blaster Master: Enemy Below. Area 2 is also connected to Area 7 in Blaster Master, requiring the Wall 1 maneuver. In Blaster Master: Enemy Below, it is connected to Area 8 instead, requiring the Wall 2 maneuver.

Blaster Master Zero[]



Mutant Mutant 2-1A Mutant 2-2A Mutant 1-9A Mutant 2-3A
Blaster Rifle 4 6 1 4
Hyper Shot/Laser 1 2 1 1
Missile 1 1 1 1
Thunder 1 1 1 1; 2
H. Missile 1 2 1 1
Crusher Shot/Laser 1 1 1 1
Missile/Maximum 1 1 1 1
Thunder 1 1 1 1; 2
H. Missile 1 1 1 1
Spark 1 1 1 1
Shield. M 1; 4 1; 6 1 1; 4
Cannon 1 1 1 1
Destroyer Mode[]
Mutant Mutant 2-1A Mutant 2-2A Mutant 1-9A Mutant 2-3A
Blaster Rifle 4 6 1 32
Hyper Shot 1 2 1 8
Missile 1 1 1 6
Shield. M 1; 4 1; 6 1 6; 32
Crusher Shot/Laser 1 1 1 6
Missile/Maximum 1 1 1 4
Thunder 1 1 1 4; 16
H. Missile 1 1 1 5
Spark 1 1 1 4
Shield. M 1; 4 1; 6 1 4; 32
Cannon 1 1 1 2; 3

Top-Down View[]

Mutant Mutant 2-1D Mutant 1-4D Mutant 2-2DMutant 2-3D
Blaster 8 2 2
Long Range 4 1 1
Penetrator 2 1 1
Diffusion 4; 2 1 1
Auto 20 3 3
Reflect 4; 2 1
Striker 2 1 1
Flame 10 2 2
Wave 8; 3 1* 1

*This Gun Level is twice as effective as expected.

Destroyer Mode[]
Mutant Mutant 2-1D Mutant 1-4D Mutant 2-2DMutant 2-3D
Blaster 8 8 8*
Long Range N/A N/A N/A
Penetrator N/A N/A 2
Diffusion 4; 2 N/A N/A
Auto N/A N/A N/A
Reflect N/A N/A N/A
Striker N/A N/A N/A
Flame N/A N/A N/A
Wave N/A 8; 3 N/A
Grenade Bomb 2 2 1
Ignition Bomb 1 1 1

*This Gun Level is half as effective as expected.


Name Biby Legion Crabularva Crabullus
Image Mutant 2-2DMutant 2-3D Crabularva 1Crabularva 6 Crabullus 5 Crabullus 6 Crabullus 7
Blaster 2 100 per 240 24
Long Range 1 50 per 120 12
Penetrator 1 25 per* 30* 6*
Diffusion 1 12 per*; 5 per* 120; 44 7; 5
Auto 3 125 per* 300* 30*
Reflect N/A 50 per; 20 per 60*; 24* 12; 5
Striker 1 25 per 60 6
Flame 2 125 per 300 15*
Wave 1 100 per; 34 per 240; 80 24; 8
Grenade Bomb 1 9 per 20 2
Ignition Bomb 1 7 per 15 2

*This Gun Level is twice as effective as expected.

Destroyer Mode[]

Name Biby Legion Crabularva Crabullus
Image Mutant 2-2DMutant 2-3D Crabularva 1Crabularva 6 Crabullus 5 Crabullus 6 Crabullus 7
Blaster 8* 100 per 400 N/A
Long Range N/A N/A N/A N/A
Penetrator 2 N/A N/A N/A
Diffusion N/A N/A N/A N/A
Auto N/A N/A N/A N/A
Reflect N/A N/A 100**; 40** N/A
Striker N/A N/A N/A N/A
Flame N/A N/A N/A N/A
Wave N/A N/A N/A N/A
Grenade Bomb 1 9 per 34 6
Ignition Bomb N/A 7 per 25 5

*This Gun Level is half as effective as expected.
**This Gun Level is twice as effective as expected.


Related Quotes[]

So this is the Residential Area... This place sure has seen better days. Looks like there's mutants here... Gotta make my way through carefully. (The signal's source is displayed on my monitor. Let's see where it leads.)
— Jason • Blaster Master Zero
Hmph, that's weird... The signal coming from here is gone. Nothing to do except head for where this other signal is coming from.
— Jason • Blaster Master Zero
Hmm, what's this signal now...? (I dunno why, but this signal seems different from the one I've been following up until now.) Now I'm all curious... I think I'll go have a look-see.
— Jason • Blaster Master Zero
!!! What is a person doing here?!
— Jason • Blaster Master Zero
Jason: Hey! I'm here to help! Are you alright?!
Eve: ... ... ...
Jason: Dammit! C'mon, please open your eyes! (From the moment I held her in my arms, my Blaster Rifle began to emit this brilliant light. The light was getting bigger and bigger, and totally enveloped us.)
— Jason discovers Eve
Jason: ... What the...?! What's going on?
Eve: ... ... ... Hm... ... Wha...?
Jason: Thank goodness! You're awake!
Eve: ... ...? I... I...
Jason: You can do it! ... Let's get you over to SOPHIA for now. Hang in there!
— Eve wakes up
Jason: (Man... who is this girl? Seems like the signal came from her. My Blaster Rifle reacted to her... Somehow, I think this girl and SOPHIA are connected.)
Eve: ... ... Uuh.... Hm...? Who are... you? How... did I...?
Jason: Don’t worry, everything's OK. When you're feeling up to it, I wanna hear your story.
— Jason takes Eve to SOPHIA
Eve: Thank you for helping me. Could I... ask you your name?
Jason: Sure. I’m Jason Frudnick. You can call me Jason.
Eve:I'm... Eve.
Jason: Got it. Don’t mean to rush you, Eve, but there's a lot I need to ask you.
— Jason asks about Eve's story
Jason: (I listened to her story, found out the reason why she's here, and learned that she seems to have lost a lot of her memory. On top of that, when it comes to tuning up and doing maintenance on SOPHIA, her skills blow mine out of the water.)
Eve: It's so strange, though. I feel like I remember this sensation...
Jason: (And that’s her story... I still feel like I have a lot more to learn about her, though.)
— Jason learns about Eve
Eve: Hey Jason, I'm finished tuning up SOPHIA.
Jason: Thanks, Eve. By the way... Now that you're back on your feet, what are you gonna do now?
Eve: ... ... ... Well, if it's OK with you... Do you think I'd be able to join you? You helped me so much back there. I want to return the favor. If you're using SOPHIA to find Fred, I think I could really help you out.
Jason: I'm happy to hear that... but, there's a good chance we're gonna have to fight some mutants. It'll be just as dangerous... no, probably even more dangerous than what happened here.
Eve: I know, but... if you're in danger, I might be able to save you too.
Jason: That's... (... She's absolutely right. I’m bound to run into things that I won't be able to do on my own going forward. If it was dangerous for her on her own, then I'm sure it'll be just as dangerous for me too. Going together is the way to do it. But, I wonder why she is so eager to lend me a hand...)
Eve: I guess... that's a no, then? In that case, if you leave me...
Jason: C'mon, don't say stuff like that. I... want you to help me out.
Eve: Oh...! OK, you got it! Leave it to me!
— Jason and Eve decide to go together
Eve: Looks like Fred's signal is coming from a different area now. I think it's the Industrial Area.
Jason: Industrial Area, huh? OK, let's go check it out.
Eve: One more thing. If you want to talk to me, choose the "RECEIVER" icon from the subscreen. There's lots of stuff I'd love to talk about with you, so I'm here to chat anytime you wanna talk.
— Eve locates Fred's signal
Jason: (It turns out that Fred is actually an autonomously operating drone that SOPHIA came equipped with. According to Eve, when the drone arrives on a planet, it disguises itself as a creature native to that planet and begins working. The purpose of the drone is to gather intel and learn the whereabouts of mutants. It can send that intel to SOPHIA, to stopover checkpoints, and even all the way back to Eve's home planet. However, in order to keep SOPHIA's whereabouts concealed, intel can only be transmitted at certain times. Because of that, there are times when SOPHIA isn't able to receive signals. That's why the drone has a function that allows it to make a wormhole that is connected to SOPHIA's location. It proves to be really useful when acquiring intel and sending data.) Now that you mention it, I just thought of something... (When I was chasing after Fred on the surface, the mysterious hole that led me here suddenly opened up. Maybe that would explain why I've had so much trouble finding him.) But man, to think all this is packed into one little machine like this...
Eve: It's because getting info on mutants is super important. Even the little drone is quite powerful.
Jason: I see... Those who control information control the battle, huh?
Fred: *croak croak*
— Fred; Revisit Area 2 (Talk with Eve)
A map of the Residential Area (Press R on the Weapon Select Screen to view)
— MAP 2 • Blaster Master Zero

Other Appearances[]

Blaster Master: Enemy Below[]


  • Ground Snake

